The Rajasthan government and the doctors protesting over the Right to Health (RTH) Bill reached a consensus on Tuesday. The government agreed to keep private hospitals, that have not taken land or any other benefits at subsidised rates from it, outside the ambit of the proposed legislation.
The bill proposes the right to emergency treatment and care without prepayment at any “public health institution, healthcare establishment and designated healthcare centre”.
Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, confirming the development in a tweet, said in Hindi: “I am happy that finally an agreement has been reached between the government and the doctors on Right to Health, and Rajasthan has become the first state in the country to implement Right to Health. I hope that the doctor-patient relationship will remain the same in future as well.”
मुझे प्रसन्नता है कि राइट टू हेल्थ पर सरकार व डॉक्टर्स के बीच अंततः सहमति बनी एवं राजस्थान राइट टू हेल्थ लागू करने वाला देश का पहला राज्य बना है।
मुझे आशा है कि आगे भी डॉक्टर-पेशेंट रिलेशनशिप पूर्ववत यथावत रहेगी।#RightToHealth
The government held talks with a delegation of doctors before reaching a consensus. The delegation included members of the Indian Medical Association (IMA), the Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes Association and the United Private Clinics and Hospitals Association (UPCHAR).
The doctors had demanded that private hospitals that did not take any benefit from the government in the form of land or buildings at subsidised rates should be outside the ambit of the RTH Bill.
Secretary of the Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes Society Dr Vijay Kapoor said that the private sector has completely been freed from the RTH Bill. “The government will implement it from its resources and institutions. We have converted our rally into a ‘Vijay Rally’ and will hold a general body meeting to call off the agitation formally,” said the doctor.
Medical services were crippled in the state after government doctors and faculty members went on a strike against the bill. While emergency services were exempted from the strike, general patients were reported to have faced a lot of trouble in getting treatment.
The state had warned the doctors and government staffers against going on leave without approval.